Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday Meditation

Monday Meditation: 
God of everything seen and unseen,
You fill our hearts with love
and our souls with joy.
You make us want to shout praises
in Your name
from the highest mountain tops
so all the world might hear and know of
Your compassion,
Your tolerance,
Your inventive nature,
Your playful creativity,
and the infinite nearness of Your love.
We come now in silent reverence
to feel the nearness of You.

[pause for silent meditation]

Yet while we so want the world
to know You more intimately,
we must also remember that
in order for us to exalt Your name,
we first have to listen for and hear Your voice.
We just need to be still and quiet now and then.
In fact, we need to be still and quiet more often.

We live in a noisy world,
with products and pitchmen
and ads tempting us with
shiny new objects
all vying for our attention.
Our instinct is to shout louder,
to pitch You and Your merciful love
over and against
the materialism of our age.
But this just causes us to fall
into lockstep with the product pitchmen,
and causes anyone who might listen for Your voice
to shut us out,
shut You out,
shut Your message out,
just as quickly as they change channels
from one commercial to another.

You can never be a commercial,
Wondrous and wonderful God of all creation!
You are more than a product to sell to others.
You are the life-force of the universe,
the consciousness of our very existence,
the conscience of our humanity—
and You deserve more respect
than to be treated like just another product
sitting on the shelf,
in between the ice cream and the iPhone.
We beg Your forgiveness
for treating You like a commodity,
and come to you now in silent reverence.

[pause for silent meditation]

We send You our joys and concerns silently,
listening for Your voice.
We don’t need to tell You what we need.
By listening and connecting,
our thoughts become Your thoughts,
our hopes become Your hopes,
our loved ones come under Your care.
We pray only to connect with Your presence,
and we pray in silent reverence.


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