Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday Meditation

Wondrous God, in You our world rejoices.
We praise You
for the jaw-dropping beauty of existence;
for the Mountains, snow-capped
and eternally reaching up and out towards You;
for the endless horizon of a beach,
where more colors of light than we can even perceive
enliven the sky like a master’s painting.
We praise You
for the endlessness of outer space,
which points to Your infinite nature;
all these things bless their Creator,
as do we, with hearts and hands and voices. 

For the wondrous gift of life,
for the bounty of a communal meal,
for the pleasure of fellowship,
for the satisfaction of work,
for the grace of leisure,
for the security of peace,
for the promise of tomorrow,
we give You, Holy God,
our hearts,
our minds,
our souls
in humble gratitude.
Still, we ask for one more grace:
Open our shuttered souls that Your gift of love
may flow through us,
blessing others on its way.
We acknowledge that
too often we receive Your kindness and abundance,
only to keep it to ourselves.
Make us the vessels of Your communion, God of Eternity,
rather than bottlenecks where Your blessings get stuck.
Through Your wisdom,
teach us the way,
so that all people may know Your love,
may know You,
by any of Your infinite and eternal names.
God of peaceful healing,
we feel Your presence.
We are a communion of souls,
dancing in Your calming warmth,
a gentle bath of energetic love.
May the vastness of Your love
be felt by all those in our community,
and every child of God around the world,
brother and sister all,
in pain, oppressed, suffering or lost.
We know You are eternal hope,
our God of love,
and through You we find strength.
We pray these things:
closer connection with You,
and the wisdom to know You more deeply
and follow You more closely.
We beg You, merciful Lover of the Universe,
be with us as we continually strive
to be more like our Master,
the Enlightened One,
Jesus Christ,
in whose name we pray.

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