Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday Meditation

God of forgiveness,
justice and mercy,
we offer ourselves to you:
our thoughts,
our hopes,
our dreams and our fears.
[quiet meditation]
Through you our spirit is calmed,
our fears abated.
From you we receive everlasting love—
a love that rescues us
from everything that enslaves us.
Rescue us now, Loving and Holy Creator.
Rescue us from fear,
from slavery,
from disease,
from lack and limitation.
Rescue us from addictions,
and misconceptions,
from misperceptions.
Rescue us from the  ignorance
that leads to misunderstandings.
Help us understand each other.
Help us understand that
your infinite, unconditional love
is meant for every person on this planet.
[quiet meditation]
Rescue our suffering loved ones:
in our congregations,
around the country,
and around the world.
Rescue our leaders
from fear of re-election.
Fill their hearts with the desire to faithfully serve,
no matter what,
as Jesus faithfully served,
no matter what.

[quiet meditation]

There are still too many of us
with too little respect for human life.
Rescue us, Lord of mercy,
from the hatred

that eats us alive,
and causes us to trade and treat
our brothers and sisters like cattle.
Save us from the intense fear
that causes us to make war
against our fathers and mothers,
sisters and lovers.
Save us now,
as you always do,
from ourselves.
[quiet meditation]
Gracious God,
you are all Wisdom,
the life source from whom we learn
all that is good,
merciful and compassionate.
Thank you for the example of Jesus,
who in all things modeled peacemaking,
love for others,
and the wisdom that comes from
walking intimately with you.
Just as people were drawn to him,
we draw near to you,
wanting to know you,
to experience your transformative presence
that renews our Spirits.
We open ourselves to you, heart, mind,
body and soul.

Do your holy, rescuing work in us:
heal us,
correct us,
comfort and encouraging us,
so that as a result of your work,
we too might be
the incarnation of your presence in our world.

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