Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Scripture: Psalm 130:8
He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins.

Thought for the Day: This is not a statement about the modern nation of Israel. This isn’t even a statement about the ancient nation-state of Israel. This is a lament to God for the constant failings of God’s chosen people—which is every Jew and Gentile on the planet, all of us, without exception. This is a message of hope for all oppressed people all over the world: God will see us through.
Unfortunately, this Psalm is full or archaic language like “sin” and “redemption”, not to mention the reference to God as “he.” It’s forgivable because it was written 3000-odd years ago. A better translation for our modern era might be something like: God rescues humans from all the habits that distract them from communion and cause them to enslave each other.
“Redemption” is not about God purchasing our souls (the very idea negates the omnipotence of God). Redemption is about reuniting the very essence of our being with God. It is about reunification. The problem is in our modern understanding of this ancient language, and this is a problem with most biblical translations—they convey words but not meaning. Even the translations that attempt to get at meaning largely miss the point for contemporary thinkers.
Today, we understand redemption as an exchange of something purchased—a lottery or movie theater ticket is redeemed, for example. Even in the ancient world, redemption most often referred to the purchasing of someone from slavery—rescuing them from slavery. That’s why this language is also used to refer to Jesus—we are redeemed from sin through Jesus Christ, whom God uses to redeem humankind. This turns Jesus into a human sacrifice and God into a suicidal maniac. Redemption is about rescue, which requires no payment. God rescues us—not through the death of Jesus, but through the life, example, and meaning of Jesus’ teachings.
We are called to be disciples—students of the master. We are to learn from Jesus so we might become more like Jesus, which completely transforms every bit of our being. Becoming Christ-like changes the way we think and act, which in turn changes the world.
When I explain to people we need to stop thinking about Jesus as any sort of sacrifice or payment for the ills of the world, they tell me they don’t need another nice guy—that they have enough trouble living up to the examples of people like Gandhi. But this is about more than just being or following another nice guy. It is about deep communion with God, which literally changes reality. When we find that “click” that turns the light of God on within us as brightly as it shone in Jesus, there is no turning back. We no longer have to try to live up to the example of Gandhi or Mother Theresa, because we become them. It’s a God thing, through and through. And you know what? It’s completely free of charge.
Meditation: God of the universes, free me from archaic ways of thinking, the way you free me from all the ills of the world that keep me from union with you. Rescue my brothers and sisters who find themselves enslaved to other people because of unfair and illegal labor practices. Rescue my brothers and sisters, too many of them kidnapped and held against their will for simply believing you are a God of equal opportunity. Rescue our countries from the archaic and destructive idea that borders must be protected rather than eliminated, that nations must wield power rather than share their wealth, and that communities of people should be divided into “legal” or “illegal”. Continue to show us there is no law but your law, which is now and forever simply this: Love your neighbor. Amen.

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