Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday Meditation

God who sings throughout the universe,
unite our voices in love.
Focus our hearts and minds
on the healing songs You create through us.
Re-craft our lives,
tuning us into instruments of peace
rather than war,
creators of love,
rather than hate,
purveyors of wisdom,
rather than ignorance.
God who is Wisdom,
command the evil powers of oppression,
inhumanity and injustice
to recognize You
in our peaceful protests for human rights,
in our fight for economic and social equality,
in our evangelism of Your great and unconditional love,
in our efforts to set Your people--
all Your people,
This magnificent world is burdened
by ignorance and fear,
and the powerful elite
of a New Rome
are doing their best to keep it that way.
The swords and slings of advertising
and consumerism keep us conscripted
to the overlords of Greed and Selfishness.
But we know better, Lord,
Hallelujah, we know better!
We know this is a world of abundance,
and that through You the selfish shall be eliminated,
the wealth they claim as their own redistributed,
the people they abuse for profit
finally given a chance to flourish,
finally given a chance to play their own
passionate melodies of compassion and forgiveness.
Make our lives beautiful,
heart-wrenching melodies
that awaken people from their worldly slumber.
Wake us with your music,
the music of the spheres.
Awaken us with appreciation
that You are composing a new song for a new age,
and that You have chosen us as Your humble musicians,
in service to You,
our great conductor.

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