Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday Meditation

Monday Meditation: 
God of endless revelation,
we open our hearts and minds
to Your presence within us.
Give us courage to trust Jesus,
who reveals Your intimacy
and asks us to let go of everything
to follow him.
Help us accept new ways to think about
what it means to call ourselves Christians,
while honoring those brave souls
who have gone before us.
Just as we know
You are constantly at work in the world,
we know
You are always at work within us,
revealing Yourself in new ways,
continually changing the way we perceive You.
We pray in the manner of our ancestors,
giving ourselves completely to You,
and asking, as always,
for You to lead us forward in faith.
Continue to conform us
to the image of Jesus Christ,
who has revealed for all time
that You are with us now,
and forever.

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